How about inventing some new tropes guys? Taking Liberties
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I’m also getting pretty bored of having a Meaningful Phrase repeated at key points in a movie (and as Meaningful Phrases go, the thing about doing things no-one can imagine was pretty dang flat). (B kisses A on the mouth and runs out of the bar, knocking over a waitress) Is anyone else sick of seeing an chance phrase spark a revalation?Ī: “I’ll have a strawberry daiquiri please.”ī: “Daiquiri… daiquiri… That’s it! You’re a genius!” He invented some pretty abstract stuff (that the movie ignores or dumbs down beyond the point of meaninglessness), and he was a real person with the complexities of a real person (as opposed to a tortured mad genius). The audience is flattered - aren’t you clever for watching a movie where everyone uses long words! - but implicitly treated like dullards who don’t have attention-span enough to follow a complex story that happens in a complex world.Īnd Turing’s life and work is fundamentally a complex story. Pick some kind of message about the human soul and hammer it home at every opportunity, throw in some classy actors, and release around Oscar time. It takes a brainy sounding premise, squishes any subtlety and complexity out of it, and hacks at the story until it hits the right emotional beats at the right moments. I love smartdumb movies.Ī dumbsmart movie - this, The King’s Speech, Shakespeare In Love - does the opposite. The movies might be idiotic, but it’s grandmaster-level idiocy. A smartdumb movie - say, Dumb and Dumber - harnesses the creator’s skill, intelligence, wit and creativity to make something gloriously infantile and crass. Actually I find ‘middlebrow’ a bit of a snooty term, so I propose a word that better captures what I hate about them: dumbsmart.

On a macro level, I’m starting to really hate middlebrow movies. So although I am going to take a royal dump on the movie, probably the more important bit for my mental health is figuring out why it upsets me so badly.

Because it’s not an awful film - I’ve seen way worse and I mostly found them boring or occasionally entertaining. But as more and more reasons kept popping into my head, it occurred to me I should probably think some more about exactly why I have so much bad feeling towards this movie. I was just going to do a brain-dump about all the reasons The Imitation Game is bad movie. Chunky Comic Reader 7 years ago Why did The Imitation Game bug me so much?